V I B E T E C H N E W S & U P D A T E S
Published by: Jeff Pederson • January 28, 2022
VibeTech has entered into a new collaboration with Florida State University.
VibeTech is working with Dr. Lynn Panton, Mia Kay Newlin Ph.D., RN., M.S.N., and Dr. Paul Katz, along with VibeTech’s Medical Advisor, Dr. Terry Sullivan on this collaboration.
Dr. Panton’s research interests are in the area of exercise training and its effects on body composition, muscular strength and functional outcomes of healthy older adults and chronically diseased populations.
Dr. Newlin-Bradner’s initial educational pursuits were in the field of exercise physiology. Dr. Newlin-Bradner then pursued nursing and obtained her Bachelor of Science degree in nursing from Florida State University followed by an Master of Science degree in nursing education from Florida State University.
Dr. Newlin-Bradner’s research interest is focused on the role of activity in the prevention and management of chronic disease, with a specific emphasis on women with heart failure with preserved ejection fraction.
Dr. Katz has been practicing geriatrics for 36 years. He chose geriatrics because there was a great need for geriatric specialists, the patients’ medical conditions are complex and it is a fairly new specialty.
Through the collaboration, VibeTech and the Florida State University will study the benefits of the VibeSitPro - a safe, pain-free way to activate muscles impacted by atrophy and restore physical function due to age, injury, or surgery for all ages.
VibeTech is currently preparing to launch its new VibeSitPRO with the first five portable therapeutic vibration rehabilitation devices set to be delivered in the first quarter of 2022.
VibeTech’s Mission is to restore and enhance human quality of life by harnessing our world-class expertise in therapeutic vibration to provide cutting edge mobility innovations and solutions in healthcare.
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