The VibeTech accessible physical therapy and occupational therapy equipment is smaller, cheaper and easier compared to physical therapy equipment like anti gravity treadmills, aqua therapy and harness systems. Our therapy is pain-free unlike many electrical stimulation equipment.
Compared to whole body vibration machines, the clearest difference is that our strength training vibration therapy equipment serves the people who need it the most: those with reduced strength and impaired physical mobility. This is also the first and only system that combines vibration therapy with resistance exerted by the equipment, thus the only vibration based accessible physical therapy and occupational therapy option for many patients.
Our iterative design process, funded in part by the National Institutes of Health and NASA, enabled us to develop a comprehensive accessible physical therapy and occupational therapy equipment that produces the most beneficial patient outcomes regardless of one’s strength or ability level.
Our safe and comfortable swivel chair makes for easy on and off access from a walker or wheelchair. This makes VibeTech Two, a truly accessible physical therapy and occupational therapy by minimizing fall risk during the therapy.
Our vibrations are of low intensity making it accessible physical therapy and occupational therapy for highly deteriorated neuromuscular condition. The vibration intensity of other vibration devices significantly exceeds what a frail or injured patient can safely endure.
Vibration frequency, intensity and planar directions are the most important parameters regarding vibration therapy. The VibeTech Two uses safe intensity limits, with uni-planar or vertical vibrations. This is coupled with variable leg pressure for effective and progressive results. Most whole body vibrating platforms produce multi-planar vibrations with inaccurate frequency and intensity. This not only reduces the effectiveness of whole body vibration, but also makes it unsafe as a physical medicine and rehab modality for lower functioning individuals.
The direction of applied vibration is a critical component of how therapeutic vibration works. Our technology applies vibration in the correct loading direction required to activate the muscles during treatment. Truly effective vibration therapy is much more than just a shaking platform.
The VibeTech Two is the only device on the market that precisely and independently controls for both mean load and cyclic vibration forces to ensure consistent treatment delivery.
Helping one patient at a time through therapeutic vibrations.
VibeTech’s Mission is to restore and enhance human quality of life by harnessing our world-class expertise in therapeutic vibration to provide cutting edge mobility innovations and solutions in healthcare.
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