V I B E T E C H N E W S & U P D A T E S
Published by: Jeff Pederson • August 19, 2022
The new WSCS program "Technology to Advance Healthy Communities" features (pictured left to right) Generations, Intergenerational Center Executive Director Jane Brill, VibeTech Founder and CEO Jeff Leismer and Rocky Knoll Health Care Center Life Enrichment Director Janine Bolz.
VibeTech's therapeutic vibration technology and new portable VibeSitPRO device serve as the centerpiece of a new WSCS, Sheboygan Community Station program titled "Technology to Advance Healthy Communities" now available for viewing on WSCS's YouTube channel at https://youtu.be/1uNt6Bq0UtA.
Jane Brill, executive director of Generations, Intergenerational Center in Plymouth, Wis. serves as the program host with Rocky Knoll Health Care Center Life Enrichment Director Janine Bolz and VibeTech Founder and CEO Jeff Leismer serving as guests for the “Technology to Advance Healthy Communities” show, which was taped at the WSCS, Sheboygan Community Station studio in Sheboygan, Wis. on Tuesday, Aug. 16.
The 20-minute program includes a video of VibeTech's new mobile VibeSitPRO device and a discussion of the array of benefits that Brill, Bolz and Leismer have personally experienced or seen with individuals using the device.
At Rocky Knoll, Bolz shared the positive impact of VibeTech's therapeutic vibration technology on the memory care residents participating in a recent quality management study to reduce falls. '
Rocky Knoll has been utilizing the stationery VibeTech device for several years with individuals who have limited ability to exercise in the traditional manner since the devices require no exertion by the user. Rocky Knoll staff members have given significant input, based on their experiences, to help finalize development of the new VibeSitPRO to enhance ease of use for anyone through the use of any type of chair or wheelchair to maximize and track results.
This collaboration of health care facilities and organizations offering new technology have proven to be a winning formula for patients and their families, or volunteers, who can easily assist and share in the benefits
VibeTech's Linda Cates is the executive producer of the program.
The full schedule of future show air dates and times is available on the WSCS website at https://www.wscssheboygan.com/schedule/.
VibeTech’s Mission is to restore and enhance human quality of life by harnessing our world-class expertise in therapeutic vibration to provide cutting edge mobility innovations and solutions in healthcare.
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