V I B E T E C H N E W S & U P D A T E S
Published by: Jeff Pederson • September 15, 2021
VibeTech’s therapeutic vibration boosts strength and reduces falls
VibeTech has taken what it learned from the sessions with thousands of patients and turned it into its smartest device yet, the VibeSit™PRO.
VibeSit™PRO is VibeTech’s answer to the call to reduce falls in the highest risk older adults. It activates the muscles throughout the legs using safe and effective, patient-specific (Smart Dosing™) therapeutic vibration. The exercise is delivered through a footplate to a seated user. There is no transfer needed for wheelchair users.
This portable device can be disinfected and brought to individual patient rooms or it can be placed in a rehab gym or other common space to boost strength and function while reducing pain in the lower extremities.
VibeSit™PRO is intended for both rehabilitative and restorative care purposes. VibeSit™PRO sessions are safe, effective, accessible, and reimbursable, and have been shown to reduce falls, boost strength, elevate mood and reduce pain in memory care residents, who are twice as likely to fall as other nursing home residents.
VibeTech’s Mission is to restore and enhance human quality of life by harnessing our world-class expertise in therapeutic vibration to provide cutting edge mobility innovations and solutions in healthcare.
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